After enduring some of the worst conditions the STAGS have ever played golf in, the winner was one of only 8 people to complete the 18 holes, with 12 people, including myself retreating to the dry and warmth of the bar. So it is a massive congratulations to Peter Clarke on his sterling result.
Winner - Pete Clarke 38 pts
Runner-Up - Matt Bowen 29 pts
Nearest the Pins
Hole 2 - Pete Clarke
Hole 6 - Andy Barcello
Hole 11 - Tim Lane
Attendance 20
Individual and best 3 of 4 team scores.
Better weather ensued on Sunday with all, or most players turning up after our night out on Saturday night. The rain had eased but the wind picked up making it a different challenge on Day 2.
Winner - On countback Matt Bowen 33 pts
Runner-Up - Brendan Donnelly 33 pts
Winning team
Team Captain - Brendan Donnelly, Kev Daly, Mick Grenham, Martyn Power
Nearest the Pins
Hole 2 - Kevin Daly
Hole 6 - Pete Clarke
Hole 11 - Kevin Daly
Hole 17 - Matt Bowen
Attendance 19.5
1 casualty from Saturday night sesh, and 1 walk off after 5 holes, still suffering from Saturday night sesh lol
All in all, despite the weather it was a fantastic weekend and I hope it can be repeated with the same support next year.
Massive thanks to Brendan Reilly for organizing the weekend.
Group 1: Craig, Chris, Tom & Matt
Group 2: Tim, Gareth, Daniel & Pete
Group 3: Ges, Russ, Stuart & Les
Group 4: John (President), Dave, Andrew & Brendan
Group 5: Martyn, Mick, Kev & Brendan Donnelly (Captain)